Eyes are the most attractive part of an aesthetic face. Sagging eyelids and asymmetrical eyes may make the face look older than actually it is. Particularly due to the trend Bella eyes that emerged recently, everyone wants to have slanted and uplifted eyes. Almond eye surgery gives you more slanted and bigger eyes as Bella Hadid’s. Meet almond eye surgery and permanently eliminate downturned eyes and make your eyes look more slanted!

Almond Eye Surgery is a cosmetic surgery designed to change unwanted eye shapes into almond shaped eyes. With almond eyes, the outer corner of the eye is slightly higher than the inner corner of the eye. Both the bottom and top eyelids just touch the iris, covering most of the surrounding white area.

 What is Almond Eye Surgery?

Almond eye surgery is an aesthetic procedure that gives you slanted and bigger eyes like almonds. After this aesthetic operation inspired by Bella Hadid’s eyes, you get rid of the droopy and downturned look in your eyes.

Almond eye surgery is an aesthetic operation to give you a secret youth. You can gain Bella eyes right after the surgery. Your eyes will look bigger and this will give you an energetic look. Your gazes will be deeper after the surgery.

Does Almond Eye Surgery Leave Scars?

Scarring is rarely a problem, as the Almond eye procedure is undertaken through internal incisions on the inside of the eyelid.

Is Almond Eye Surgery safe?

Yes, almond eye surgery is safe. It is a very delicate procedure that can be even more complicated in patients who have had prior eyelid surgery or who have protruding eyes, so consulting a specialist oculoplastic surgeon is vital.

Who are Good Candidates for Almond Eye Surgery?

Almond eye surgery can be applied to everyone over 18. We recommend almond eye surgery particularly to those who have downturned eyes, under eye bags and droopy eyelids. 

Because Almond Eye Surgery also removes wrinkles around eyes, it creates a natural eye tightening effect for middle aged persons. By the way, your skin seems younger and smooth. To postpone the face lift operation, you can reward yourself with an almond eye surgery, when your wrinkles become prominent.

How is Almond Eye Surgery Applied?

Almond eye surgery and the correction of lower lid sag requires complex procedures with very narrow margins of error. Such procedures should only be performed by highly skilled surgeons, who will carry out meticulous planning and examination of the eyes themselves. The eyelid is a complex multi-layered structure so as with all eyelid surgery, this procedure requires a detailed biomicroscopic assessment of the ocular surface before proceeding.

Almond eye surgery is performed under local anesthesia. After the eye region is anesthetized, eyes are lifted up with medical yarns. After gaining almond eyes, medical yarns are fixed on the bone membrane and 3-4 sutures are applied. Because these sutures are hidden among follicles, they are not visible after the surgery. Your sutures are removed 1 week later and you can gradually start to wear makeup. Almond eye surgery takes 1 hour on average. If you wish, you can combine this surgery with an eyelid operation and create a wow-effect  in your eyes.

Is Almond Eye Surgery the right procedure for me?

Generally, patients who have drooping, sagging or baggy lower eyelids would be a good candidate for this type of procedure, particularly if the current appearance and shape of the eye are causing them distress.

There is, however, no one-size-fits-all when it comes to eyelid surgery, and what many patients feel they need may not actually be the type of surgical procedure that is right for them.

Surgeons must carefully analyse each patient’s lower lid function, tone, laxity and position, as well as their overall facial structure during an initial consultation. He normally does this in consultations with patients wishing to undergo blepharoplasty and may suggest the need for canthal suspension at the same time In some cases, surgeons might recommend a different type of procedure altogether, which would be more appropriate for addressing the patient’s concerns.

It is important to only have this procedure performed by an experienced, highly-trained oculoplastic surgeon, as the results of a poor surgery can be very difficult to correct.

What are the Advantages of Eye Shape Surgery?

Those who have downturned eyes know how it is hard to do eye makeup. For instance, when you apply eyeliner on downturned eyes, your eyes may look older. To eliminate this, we recommend you to consider almond eye surgery and check before-after photos. Because eyes will look lifted up after the surgery, you can make your eyes prominent by wearing  mascara only. Because your eyes will naturally look slanted after Bella eyes operation, you will look energetic at all times. After the surgery, wrinkles around the eye will reduce and if you have downturned eyes, this will also be eliminated.

Surgery Recovery Process

After almond eye surgery soreness, bruising and swelling are common after surgery, but these should subside after 7-10 days. Try to keep the head elevated and get as much rest as you can initially. Patients should avoid exercise, rubbing the eye area, or applying make-up for a week.

In some cases, people might notice an alteration to their eyesight, but this should only be temporary, with normal vision returning without medical intervention.

It is recommended that patients put as little strain on the eyes as possible after surgery, such as avoiding staring at their phones, reading or watching TV. Contact lenses should not be worn for several weeks after surgery.

Full recovery for canthoplasty is normally between 2 to 4 weeks, during which time it is extremely important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and attend any scheduled follow-up appointments.

What are the Results of Almond Eye Surgery?

When performed by an experienced surgeon, the results of almond eye surgery are natural and long-lasting, avoiding any drastic changes to the eyes or facial appearance. As such, most patients are happy with the outcome of the surgery.

Typically, the elevation of the lateral and central parts of the eye can be as much as 2-3mm. Although this seems like a small amount, the normal palpebral aperture is between 8-9mm, which means the change after surgery represents a remarkable improvement.

How much does Almond Eye Surgery cost?

For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website.  Therefore, please dial +90 0212 241 46 24 to contact our polyclinic and get information on our Almond Eye surgery prices.

4 thoughts on “Almond Eye Surgery

  1. Tomasz says:

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    1. Qadmin says:

      Thank you you could send your questions to us when ever you want.

  2. ella says:

    I’m interested by almond eye surgery or blepharoplasty, what’s the difference please? I would like something natural. Also, what are the price? thank you

    1. Qadmin says:

      Hi, for blepharoplasty extended skin of eyelids removed, but at almond eye surgery eyes get upper from outer corner of eye lid, no skin removed.For eye surgery prices mail send to you. Thank you

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